Monday, October 4, 2010

PaPa turns 90+Hiking+Running a 1K+Learning Japanese=a Full September

Well, first I must apologize for missing September. Somehow the month came and went before I had a chance to post the latest Jamee news. Let's just say that September was VERY full.

Perhaps the biggest event of the month was PaPa turning 90 years young. PaPa really is young. Any PaPa who attempts wrestling with his 12 year old grandson, repairs a 20 foot staircase down to the lake and puts up with two cats and all of us is indeed young! We had a wonderful time visiting with Mimi and PaPa for his birthday. Everyone made it, so it was great to see Aunt Lucy, Uncle Mike, Timmy, Sarah, and Uncle Steve as well as Great Uncle Steve, Great Aunt Pat, and Great Uncle John.

While we were visiting we even had a chance for a quick hike. This was my very first Adirondack hike--and I loved it! What a view. Check out my lovely view at the top--cousin Sarah was enjoying the view as well.

(Yes, it really is called Rattlesnake Mtn. Fortunately, we did not see any rattlesnakes!)

I also learned a little Japanese in September thanks to my new friends Hirona and Mirai. I loved spending the weekend with Hirona and Mirai. They live in Osaka, Japan--no really they do! They were visiting Roberts Wesleyan College and we had them stay with us for the weekend. We did lots of fun things, but I just loved hanging out with them. They taught me to say "see ya" in Japanese--Zya. I still can say it too! I hope Mirai and Hirona come back to visit sometime. Hmmm, or maybe I'll go to Japan and visit them!

September also brought BIG boxes my way. Daddy's cousin Stephanie (I guess she's my cousin too--I'm not sure how all that works yet) sent me three BIG boxes of toys, books, puzzles . . . some of the things I have yet to see (Mommy and Daddy are saving them for later). They were her toys back in the early 70s. Stephanie was very good to her toys--I hope I can take care of them as well as she did. I think my favorite thing of all (at least at this point in my development) is the bright red Choo Choo. I love it so much. I ride it every day! Occasionally Mommy takes it away from me when I don't listen to her. I don't like it when that happens. Thank you cousin Stephanie. I promise to take good care of your toys.

I also ran a 1K in September--well okay, I ran, walked and was carried. But the best part of the race was the finish. I got my first lolly pop for finishing the race. Thanks cousins Arin, Sydney, Obi and Eli for helping me get through the race! I could not have done it without you.

Last weekend, Mommy, Daddy and I went to CheChe and Uncle Mike's church. Hayden was being dedicated. It was great to see everyone--Oma and Opa came too. Hayden is pretty cute and getting big also. After church was over, I decided to take a stab at collecting the offering. I think it comes pretty naturally to me.
Somewhere in the midst of the business of September Mommy, Daddy and I continued to work on Kitchen renovations. We now have the cabinets, and counter tops in, but still have the floor and the tile backslash to go. The jobs never end. Below I'm pitching in with the sweeping.

I hope October is a little more relaxing--but likely not. I don't know if I'd like it any other way though.
Love to all!