Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Hi everyone! It's hard to believe it's Memorial Day Weekend. Tomorrow morning we are headed northeast to visit Mimi and Papa for the weekend. I think we might even see Uncle Steve up there too! I can't wait.
Earlier this month was Mother's Day. Some nice ladies at church took "old fashion" pictures of all the kids and then gave them to the moms on Mother's Day. Mommy really loved this photo of me.

Also on Mother's Day, Oma and Opa were at our house for a visit. Our house was full of moms. We had a nice Mother's Day cook in. Daddy grilled a pork loin and it was tasty. We also had some amazing corn on the cob. Mommy cut the corn off the cob for me and yum yum yum yum it was gooooood!

Opa loves our wireless when he comes to visit. I like sitting next to Opa and trying to mess up his computer. I think in this picture Opa was playing a train video for me.

In my last blog I showed you how I was helping Mommy cook. I still love to help her cook (and Daddy too). This photo was taken after I was finished helping Mommy make a pie crust. It looks like I'm wearing a good bit of the flour. It was fun though!
This spring I am big enough to ride the bike with Mommy and Daddy. The biggest challenge was wearing that silly red duck hat. I hate wearing hats and this hat especially is hard and not very comfortable. Mommy said I had to wear it or we could not ride the bike. So, I put it on and when I thought she wasn't looking I took it off. As soon as it was off, Mommy stopped the bike and put the hat back on me. We went round and round like this several times until I finally gave in and kept it on my head. Now I'm pretty good about keeping my bike helmet on. After all, I do love going on bike rides.
Daddy calls me "Little Guy" all the time so Oma and Opa and Aunt Lucy and Uncle Mike both got Daddy and me Little Guy and Big Guy shirts for Christmas. They are fun to wear and I think we look pretty good in them.
Mommy enjoys working in the garden so this year she's been letting me "help" her. I love playing in the dirt--soooo much fun! Here I'm using a tool, but usually I just dig right in with my bare hands. We planted 95 annuals this year and Mommy has also started a small veggie garden in the back yard.
We had a beautiful April this spring and therefore had beautiful flowers this May. We went to Highland Park several times this month to see the lilacs and other flowers.
We took this photo shortly after our picnic at Highland Park. It was actually pretty cold that day.
For cousin Eli's birthday present this year, we took him on a birthday date to a puppet show on Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny. It was a great show. Eli liked it and I even stayed attentive for most of the show. We went out for ice cream afterward--I liked that too.
Eli stayed overnight with us after the birthday date. Eli was my first sleepover friend. We had a blast! Mommy took this photo before we woke up--can you find me perpendicular at the bottom of the crib. I get around in my crib at night!

Mommy came to wake us up in the morning. She got me up first and changed my diaper. Then she put me down on the floor in front of Eli's bed and I said, "Eli, Eli, Eli." Eli woke up, jumped out of his bed and came over and gave me a BIG hug. Cousin Eli is the best!

This week Cousin Hayden and Che Che came to visit. Hayden's three months old now. Eli, Hayden and I had a very nice visit. I am very blessed with great cousins.
Well as May ends, I'm looking forward to lots of adventure this summer. I'm not sure what that all will be, but I'm confident that it will all be exciting.

Love to all,