Friday, August 27, 2010

Summer Ends!

Mommy, cousin Hayden, Daddy and me hanging out on the front porch swing!

Mommy keeps saying that summer is over. It doesn't feel that way to me. I'm still wearing shorts and t-shirts, going on walks, and playing outside. Maybe it has something to do with the big kids starting back to college. Well, it's supposed to be 90 degrees all week so that still feels like summer to me. I'll hold on to it as long as I can. Well maybe 78 degrees would be a bit more comfortable, but at least it's not 15 degrees!

I've decided that I really like the summer. Here are a few of the firsts I've had this summer:
1) Swimming in Lake Champlain
2) Riding in a row boat--that was lots of fun
3) Riding my truck outside on the deck and in the driveway
4) Swimming in my little kid pool
5) Gardening with Mommy
6) Playing on the front porch with Greta and Gabi (Aunt Susanne & Uncle Paul's dog and Oma & Opa's dog--we dog sat a lot this summer--I love dogs!)
7) Riding with Mommy on her bike
8) Roasting marshmallows over a fire (there was adult supervision)
9) Put put golfing--I did pretty well too!
10)Going to the park
11)Tearing apart our kitchen
12)Strange people in our house working on our ceiling and on cabinets--what's going on???

The list could go on and on. All in all summer is fun fun fun! Following are some photos of the summer activities. Enjoy!

Cousins Obi and Eli taught me how to have a pillow fight. What fun!!

Hey, Hayden likes my dump truck! Che Che must be talking to Mommy.

Hi Pa Pa! You're doing a great job on the staircase down to the lake! Thank you!!

Daddy's rowing the boat. Mommy and I are hanging out. Mommy took her turn rowing on the way back. When I'm bigger, maybe I can row too! I can't wait!

Daddy hard at work rowing the boat. He has a glow about him in this picture. I think it was 8:00 a.m. Maybe he's just tired!

Timmy, Sarah and I helped put a protective coating on Mimi & Pa Pa's deck. We stopped long enough for a photo. CHEESE!

A hug for Mimi! I love visiting Mimi and Pa Pa's house!

Hanging out with Aunt Lucy in Lake Champlain. I love the lake. It's conveniently located in Mimi and Pa Pa's front yard! Thanks for playing with me in the water Aunt Lucy! You're the best!

So here's how Mommy and Daddy tried to keep me safe during the kitchen demolition. I wanted to help!

Even Gabi (Oma & Oma's dog who was staying with us for a few weeks while Oma and Opa were traveling in Europe) wanted in on the action.

Daddy wasn't sure what he was pulling out of the walls of our 1920 home. Later we were told it was harmless insulation.

What is Mommy looking at?

Finally Mommy and Daddy let me help with the measuring. I love the tape measure!

When Oma and Opa returned back to the states the Kurtzes came over for dessert and pictures. Here they are acting--well, like the Kurtzes. I love my crazy cousins and aunt and uncle!
Gabi is now back home in Ohio. I miss her. I still go around the house, shake my finger and say "No, no Gabi!"

Gabi was great about cleaning up after my meals. Now Mommy and Daddy have to take care of that. I am trying harder to be a neat eater. I still love to throw my food when I am done though. Mommy and Daddy don't seem to appreciate that. Hmmm?!?!
One last photo before Oma, Opa and Gabi head back to Ohio. "No, no Gabi!"
Love to all!