Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung indeed and I love being outdoors! It's the best! The past month has been very busy. As I promised, I've posted a few photos from my Great great Aunt Florence's 100th birthday party. I saw Aunt Lucy, Uncle Mike, Tim, Sarah, Great Aunt Pat, Great Aunt Martha, Uncle Steve and Mimi as well as a lot of other relatives. It was a nice party and a lovely spring day.

No, I'm not 100--I'm just 1!

Here's the fam. The Guido's had to leave before this picture.

Here is Aunt Florence, Mommy and me. Doesn't Aunt Florence look great! Not a day over 40!

We also made a quick trip to Mimi and Papa's and again had great weather. We helped with some yard work at the old farm house. You can call me Farmer James if you'd like! There's nothing like a pair of jeans and a white onesie when you're out on the farm!

This was me after the time on the farm. I was one tuckered out kiddo! I slept great though!

Here I am with Daddy reading one of my favorite books--The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I love turning the pages. In fact, my parents don't realize it yet, but I'm a speed reader. That's why I keep turning the pages faster than they can read books to me. I do love my books.

Another new found interest of mine lately is cooking! Mommy pulls the stepping stool up to the counter. I stand on it and help cook. I can make a mean batch of mashed potatoes. Here I am helping put the potatoes in the water pot.

Ahhhh, and here I am after I helped mash the potatoes--Mommy let me suck off the masher (I haven't quite figured out out to lick yet). Sucking on the masher actually feels good on my gums as I'm getting molars. I don't like getting molars!

Speaking of teeth . . . check out my new tooth brush. Mommy is helping me here in this picture, but I much prefer brushing my teeth myself! Pretty much I prefer doing most things by myself--walking, climbing stairs, getting up on chairs. . . . Mommy says I'm an independent kid.

While I'm not yet sure what "independent" means, I am learning new words all the time. Let's see if I can list the words that I know now:

Pippi (our cat--well actually, any cat is Pippi to me)
No (sorry Mommy and Daddy!)
Uh Oh
Night Night
One two three
Eli (my cousin that I hang out with on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Arin (also my cousin who I see when she comes home from school Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Well, I'm sure I'm missing a few words.
This afternoon Mommy put the baby bike seat carrier onto her bike. I also have a bike helmet, so I'm ready to hit the wide open Erie Canal path or the sidewalks/streets of Churchville. I'm excited to try it out. Actually Mommy had me try it out for a few laps in the basement today. I love the seat but hate the helmet. Mommy tried to explain to me that I had to wear the helmet in order to ride on the bike seat.

Well, the weather looks to be warm and beautiful for the weekend, so hopefully we'll go out for a real spin on the bike. I can't wait. I hope everyone else is enjoying the Spring as much as I am. Stay tuned for many more outdoor photos.

Love to all!