Monday, June 8, 2009

Fun at 5--months that is!

I love spending time in my new high chair!

I can play in my chair . . .

and eat yummy rice cereal! Check out my video below if you'd like to see me eating my first meal.

I love my new toy--I can even catch it when mommy throws it to me.

I visited Oma and Opa for the first time over Memorial Day weekend. I had a great time. I met my Ohio cousins and my Great Great Aunt Janet. I also got to meet lots of friends from Oma and Opa's church. It was a beautiful weekend.

Aunt Janet and me.

Mommy holding me up next to my name on Oma and Opa's name wall.

Rub-a-dub-dub, Jamee's in the tub!

Monday, June 1, 2009