Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Birthing Classes Begin

Hello all! Well I am 31 weeks now and still kicking--literally!! Last night my mom and dad went to their first birthing class at Highland Hospital where I am expected to enter the world I've been hearing about but have yet to see. It's all a little frightening frankly.

I heard a video at the birthing class last night and learned about all the twisting and turning that I would be going through in less than 10 weeks--the pushing, the squeezing, the turning, the water, the blood and . . . I better stop. Anyway, it was educational I guess.

Following the video, I could feel my mom reclining and the next thing I heard was this rather strange breathing going on. At one point it sounded like she was hooting--I'm not sure what that was all about.

I did learn that on November 11th my mom, dad and I are going to get a tour of the birthing area. I'll just have to rely on their eyes and take in all that I can hear.

Well, I'd better go for now--I'll try to write more regularly. Mom and dad have a baby shower on Saturday, so maybe I'll update you with what I hear.

Thanks for loving and caring about me even before the big birthing date! Keep praying that I grow and develop.


Little Hoffy